MPLNET The NASA Micro-Pulse Lidar Network National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Goddard Space
Flight Center

MPLNET File Naming Convention

The MPLNET file naming convention is a standard for all V2 and V3 products:


  • XYZ: a code in the file prefix that indicates the readiness of the data.
    • X = 1 or 0: value of 1 indicates the data are preliminary (undergoing inspection), value of 0 are not preliminary
    • Y = 1 or 0: value of 1 indicates forecast meteorology used, value of 0 use assimilated meteorology
    • Z = 1 or 0: value of 1 indicates that some calibration(s) are missing, value of 0 indicates that data are fully calibrated
    • XYZ = NET: data are fully calibrated, use assimilated meteorology (if applicable), and are not marked as preliminary. These are operational files, and available to the public.

  • VERSION: V2 or V3

  • LEVEL: L1, L15, L2, or L3 (L15 = level 1.5)

  • PRODUCT: NRB, ABS, CLD, CAER, AER, or PBL (see our Product Information page for more information)


    • A indicates whether the lidar is an MPL (A = 3 or 4) or a miniMPL (A = 5)
    • BBBB is the lidar serial number

  • SITE: the MPLNET site name

Data files are available for downloading by the public if they meet the criteria below (all such file names begin with the "MPLNET" prefix):

  • data are fully calibrated
  • use assimilated meteorology (if applicable)
  • are not preliminary

NOTE: All V3 files are currently preliminary until final testing is complete
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Goddard Space
Flight Center
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